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Sudan Economic Booming

This prestigious event has been organized by Qatari Diar Real-Estate Investment Company to foster stronger economic ties between Qatar and Sudan and links Qatari with Sudanese businesses to grow the Sudanese economy.

The first panel is to discuss fiscal and monetary policies, prospects of investments in energy and mining, and opportunities and areas of industrial investments.

The second panel is to discuss prospects for real estate development and urban planning in Khartoum State and prospects of tourism in Khartoum.

The final panel is to discuss the prospects of agricultural and animal investments in Sudan, investment issues, and economic partnership between the Sudanese private sector and Qatari Businessmen and Financiers.

Officials from both countries are to conclude by signing agreements and the declaration of Qatari-Sudanese joint projects as well as announcing the formation of a Qatari-Sudanese Business Council.

Meanwhile, parallel to the forum, Qatari and Sudanese VIP officials shall visit the project site for laying the foundation stone of Qatari Diar's first project in Sudan - Al-Difaf.
The project represents a $300m investment by Qatari Diar in the rapidly emerging market of Sudan.


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